Do they do any quality control on modern smoke detectors?! I swear we’ve gone through like 6 in the past 3 years

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I swear the more I need a little down time, the more my brain and body fight it heh

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I worked out and did yard work in the same day. Can’t help but think I will probably regret that tomorrow 😅

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Our elderly cat decided last night that the clean clothes I left on the dryer would make a great litter box 😑

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Life in the ‘burbs: any time there’s thunder, sirens are sure to follow

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Nothing like new insoles in your work boots

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Having a great time customizing my Arch install. Seeing how much / little it takes to get to the point of being able to do my usual stuff with it

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Put in my bid for work this fall, kind of dreading to see which of my 7 choices I end up with 😅

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Omg it seriously took 6 tries but I finally have a booting Arch install

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Copying music to my phone like it’s 2010

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Every time I can’t rename or delete something because of “sync pending”, I inch closer to switching back to Linux 🙄

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Today’s little bit of silliness: A USB-C powered Apple I

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I’m not sure I’d recommend the SmartyKit. It was a lot of effort to assemble and the end result doesn’t have BASIC in ROM or an easy way to load in programs. On top of that there just isn’t much documentation for it

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AA batteries which can be charged via USB-C feel weirdly retro future

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Filed under things I miss from my days working at home: Not getting sick every couple of months 😷

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Trying to decide what 35mm film I want to try and shoot with next, it’s a little overwhelming how many options there are

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My husband and son were able to catch me working yesterday and snap a photo of me closing up the train doors before leaving a station. Still feels a bit surreal that I’m doing this after years of sitting at a desk

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Really digging Core Keeper, it’s easy to lose track of time while playing 😅

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Well, I guess it was inevitable. I did my first full day of trips in the subway and now I have a nasty cold 🤧

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Really happy that the new software features rolled out with the Supernote Nomad that don’t require new hardware are also available for the A5x/A6x. One of the few small company devices I’ve had where it’s consistently gotten more useful as time goes by

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I would like to be surprised by Trump winning the Iowa caucus, but he represents hope for a lot of people who are deeply disillusioned with the state of things in the US

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I really enjoyed Cocoon, it was a perfect game to play in small doses before work

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Starting the year with the SD card in my phone crapping out, hopefully that’s not a bad omen

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For anyone else who got an Adafruit ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather over the holidays and wants to program its display from CircuitPython, the following is the incantation needed to get everything set up: import adafruit_st7789 import board import digitalio import displayio # Take control of the display. displayio.release_displays() # Turn on the display’s backlight. display_backlight = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.TFT_BACKLIGHT) display_backlight.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT display_backlight.value = True # Set up a driver object for the display.

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