Looking at current trends, laptops as a category are probably going to lose headphone jacks in the next few years. It feels cheap to take it away but I also can’t remember the last time I plugged in headphones to my laptop
Read moreI’m planning what I am going to bring on a trip, and it’s rather annoying that my phone is the only device I’ll have to bring a specialized charging cable for 🙃
Read moreUp-to-date Chrome OS running on a Mac Pro from 2008 is pretty wild to see
Read moreEdge has to hold some sort of record for having the most stuff on screen when you open a new browser window..
Read moreOne of the battery modules attached to our house’s solar panels hasn’t been working right for months, but it figures the second a technician is out here, it doesn’t show the issue anymore 🙄
Read moreIt’s my second week of being between jobs and I’m having a heck of a time letting of the feeling I have to be doing something
Read moreFour days away and the cats are both purring and nipping at my hands. Mixed emotions at their purest
Read moreHuzzah we managed to win our first kickball match last night, and it was even a shut out!
Read moreLast night was a redo of our opening night for kickball, it went much smoother compared to last week. Our team lost, but I got 2 runs in which felt pretty good!
Read moreThis lentil based taco recipe was pretty good. A little too much tomato flavor if you add salsa, but otherwise quite tasty with spring onion, avocado, and queso fresco
Read moreIt is very difficult to internalize the idea that rest is productive time. The idea that idle time is wasted time is deeply embedded
Read moreAdded speakers to my Amiga set up this morning, all I’m missing now is a printer 😆
Read moreFirst night of kickball was memorable. The umpire showed up late and seemed to be under the influence, then half way through the match a big thunderstorm storm rolled in and we got rained out. Choice quote of the evening: “A foul ball is like pornography: I know it when I see it.”
Read moreThis mushroom french dip recipe was pretty good! It took me more than 30 minutes with the prep, but I’m not the fastest at that. The overall flavor and eating experience was a solid tribute to the real thing
Read moreWe went to a Portland Sea Dogs game with some friends, it’s kind of funny how little the experience has changed in the ~15 years since I last attended one. I guess if it works, why change it?
Read moreDecided to step outside my comfort zone and sign up for a kickball league. If nothing else, it will be an experience
Read moreHas surfing culture always been such a thing in the northeastern US? I don’t really remember it being a thing growing up, but it seems to be everywhere these days
Read moreThis modern port of Sokoban for the Amiga is pretty good! It always feels very zen to move boxes around
Read moreMy husband and I took our son to pride night at Fenway yesterday where folks donned their Red Sox pride jerseys and celebrated our community. It felt like a big party where all were safe and included as we watched the game. It was a welcome contrast to what I’ve been reading in the news lately
Read more30 minutes of pulling weeds out of our hardscaped front yard and I barely made a dent. Much regret for not staying on top of it this spring 😅
Read moreI love my Supernote, but I don’t know that I love the fabric covered protective case with two shedding cats in the house 😅
Read moreTIL Amiga software installers will sometimes overwrite system files like IconX and can mess up WHDLoad
Read moreI am finding that the longer I go without meat as a regular part of my diet, the more averse I am to eating it
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