I got a DIY edition 2nd Gen Framework Laptop so that each member of my family can have their own machine. It is absolutely delightful to get a box of parts and a screw driver with a brand new computer 😊
Read moreSchlepped the Amiga 1000 cross country in a checked suitcase. Happy to see it made it without any damage, still in working order. Now I need to sort out boot disks and peripherals…
Read moreRidiculously excited that a friend passed on an extra Amiga 1000 to me. Many hours of fun to come
Read moreMy Spanish listening skills have improved a lot this past year, and occasionally shuffle will bring up a song I haven’t heard in a while, and it’s trippy to ‘suddenly’ be able to understand the lyrics without really trying so much
Read moreAfter a couple of years of being bilingual at home with my husband, I find it funny that I now have a specific accent for annoyedly accepting others’ plans in both English and Spanish
Read moreMy older cat was in a bit of a mood this morning with my husband off on a business trip. Must be rough getting half your morning pets
Read moreWent to the store intending to buy a new fitted sheet for our bed, ended up with a flat sheet instead… Thank goodness it’s a long weekend 😅
Read moreStarting to poke around the Amiga platform for the first time. So far, it’s like an extra colorful version of my childhood computing experience
Read moreI am not sure if it’s some sort of placebo effect, but I’ve tried various Bluetooth headphones at this point, and they all seem to have the same slightly dead sound to them even when they support modern codecs
Read moreA small quality of life upgrade for my MiSTer set up: a power switch
Read moreI was very thankful to be able to go into my local office today for the first time in 2 years. Worries about catching COVID aside, I’m struggling on some level to understand people not being happy about going into the office again
Read moreRe-shell attempt number two went a bit better. I managed to install the screen hinges correctly, and the quality of the shell is quite a bit higher. Maybe still not OEM level, but at least now it doesn’t feel awful to hold and use!
Read moreI haven’t used our photo printer in ~6 months, and in that time it seems to have spontaneously died? Super reasonable…
Read moreTIL if you want to suppress the grub boot menu on a dual boot Ubuntu install, you need to use a workaround and set GRUB_TIMEOUT=0.1
Read moreIt is quite neat to be able to make apps in Swift Playgrounds, it makes the iPad Pro feel more like a Proper Computer
Read moreLooks like if you want to have functional Rust auto complete in the snap version of VS Code, you need to install the rust-analyzer snap. The regular Rust extension does not work. The joys of sandboxing…
Read morePast me: Oh, I’ll just pop the extra m.2 NVMe module I have into my ThinkPad. Present me: Well that’s not going to work, is it…
Read moreMy friend was kind enough to give back my first C64 after losing interest in it. Feels very sentimental
Sometime in summer 2020, I got it into my head that it would be a good idea to buy a PINEBOOK Pro, a laptop made to run open source software. I had a lot of free time because of the pandemic, and it felt like a good opportunity to get back into Linux. It also felt like a good idea to have a computing device that I controlled with the bizarre political situation in the US (not claiming this was rational, but it was definitely on my mind at the time.
Read moreComing to the conclusion I’m not cool enough for a distro more advanced than Ubuntu. Just don’t have the energy to tinker these days
Read moreNeed to get the analog board of my Mac Plus serviced, it’s gotten to the point that it needs percussive encouragement to start each time
Read moreGees why do toaster naan only last 3 days out of the package before they go moldy?
Read moreUgh, missed two appointments in a row. Hard to balance the demands of work and family sometimes 😑
Read moreThanksgiving: The holiday of boundless dirty dishes 🍽🦃
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