ahh I can’t wait for the joystick adapter for my TI-99/4a to arrive. I can’t imagine what possessed Texas Instruments to not use the “standard” Atari connector

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at the prompting of a friend, I found a shell program for my SE/30

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my first experience with using a modern flash memory adapter on a retro device – the FlashRom 99 for the TI-99/4a. it’s quite an upgrade from loading programs from tape! it seems I need to clean the cartridge port on my micro though 🤔

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somebody does not like their topical flea prevention medication…

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why would you even try??

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Picked up a pair of TI-99/4A. There’s just something about that wedge form factor – I would say it’s overdue for a comeback!

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less esoteric, but more novel. running vim on the last PowerBook capable of booting Classic Mac OS

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My HP 95LX and HP 100LX after transferring my documents over IrDA. Getting the 100LX was a pretty big upgrade – unlike the 95LX, it’s PC/XT compatible!

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life is but the pursuit of running vim on increasingly esoteric hardware

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